Issue 1 was dedicated to getting lost. More than 30 friends and strangers, from Mexico City to Tiblisi, from Glasgow to Dar es Salaam contributed.

You can still get some copies (160 pages, B4, 16 Euros + shipping) by sending us a email to


Issue #1:
Getting Lost

Issue 3 is in the making. This time with the help of designer Iva Zugic (Austin/TX) we work on bringing you The Signature:

Added as a part of contracts and agreements of all kinds; to the infinite variety of forms in the realm of bureaucracy (ever expanding); at the bottom or on the back of paintings and other works of art; formal and less formal letters (for which there may even exist legal criteria); at the end of code and in many more contexts: The Signature concludes, identifies, legitimates, authenticates – and thus invites fraud and forgery.

To be published 1. July 2024!
notes beside the point
para journal
assembles text and image
Issue #2
Out of | Storage